Choreography by KL©

Photo by Kevin Marling


In the duet, Narrative Medicine, Longstreth examines relationships through the lens of doctor-patient, artist-muse, choreographer-dancer, and parent-child.  Using oversized empty spools, a knitted screen, and yards of thread, the piece explores the duet’s power dynamics by revealing the pitfalls and possibilities of these relationships. Music by Paolo Pandolfo, textile design by Jen Hurley-Rainy Day Knits and costumes by Rachelle Waldie. Performed by Kelly Bartnik and Katherine Longstreth.

State: not anywhere near to now | CounterPULSE Theater | San Francisco 2013
The How and the Why of It | Studio 2 | Portland 2013
The How and the Why of It |  West End Theater | New York 2013